Vote for Your Top 3 Games!

Want to put your mark on pwnRank? Now's your chance! Vote for your top 3 games! Once we reach a relevant amount of entries, we will submit the results as a dynamic list to the ranking system.


The Nitty-Gritty

  • Selections may include "video games" on any platform (PC, console, arcade, handheld, etc.).
  • Criteria for your selections are up to you - best, most important, favorite, etc.
  • Selections will be received in no particular order, so no need to rank them.
  • Please include the system per game selection. For example "Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)".
  • Please include a valid email address that you can access. Random email validity checks will be conducted.
  • Only one submission per person, please. Suspected multiple entries will be discarded.